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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Day 1 or zero or maybe it's two?

Elliott: It's 4:30 AM and I'm still not in bed. Tomorrow---I mean today, the crew is coming at 9:30. Brian went to bed like an hour ago, so we're both gonna be tired I think.
Here's what we did today:
We figured out how to make the trunk spin. We grinded one of the treads off the spinning tire to make a groove, and thin rope is going to go in that groove and when we pull each end of the rope, it will spin the whole trunk up to 360degrees.
Also, we finished (*holding breath*) the first joint on the trunk. It took a long time to grind off all the threads of the allthreads. That sentence is a bit odd, isn't it? Anyway, I think Rosanne finished the script by herself, and she's been working on the cardboard too. Tomorrow---I mean today we first need to figure out how to make the elephant skin. Then I guess Rosanne and Chris (and Jerry?) can work on that while Brian and Anthony and I (and Joel?) work on making it work.

Well I seriously need to go to bed.


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