power supply

The power supply works like a charm. Since the water pump needs 12V and the electromagnet needs 5V, we'll have to attach the ground from the power supply to the center post of the switch on the contol panel. Then we'll attach the positive leads to the pump and the electromagnet. We need to mount the power supply somewhere near the back of the elephant, I think, to keep the AC cord out of the way. Then we should mount a water reservoir on the opposite back corner, because water + AC + metal elephant = no more Anthony. We should run the wires through the metal tubing. It's going to be a lot of wire. I can't figure out where to mount the power supply's power switch. It only has a 1 foot cord.
Moving along,
I ripped the power connector off of a 428MB hard drive (don't ask), so we can use that in case we need to disconnect something. Unsoldering is not fun :-(
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