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Saturday, March 18, 2006

the control panel

Last night we worked on the so-called "control panel."  it's gonna be cool.  It will have a switch mounted on it for the electromagnet and the water pump.  And it will have 3 holes for the ropes to control the vertical movement of the trunk and the curling.  We have the 2 vertical supports for it attached with bolts, but the bolts get in the way of the folding action of the chair, so we might take them off and weld it instead. 
We cut the 2 pieces of rebar, which was a very bad experience.  The first piece cut in about 4 seconds, so I thought I could just hold the second one and not clamp it.  But as it turned out, I couldn't.  It rattled my hand so hard that my fingernails bled.  It hurt for 15 minutes, and it still hurts when I touch it.  But I digress.  
Less than 5 minutes ago, I bought 4 clamps at Wal-Mart.  They were $0.68 each.  Hopefully they're strong enough to hold the ropes when they come through the control panel.


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