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The Elephant

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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Cumulative Review: March 16

Wow. So much happened today. As far as actually making a working elephant, we didn't do very much. We had lots of ideas, and lots of problems. We had to talk about the problems for a long time, and we solved most of them, although we had to make some compromises between how good it will be and how much time it will take to make it.

before 7:30 AM: Chris arrives and starts watching The Nightmare Before Christmas.
7:30 AM: Elliott is awoken by dad.
8:00 AM: Elliott and dad think about what to do in case of a drizzle, downpour or other precipitation.
9:30 AM: Brian and Joel and Anthony arrive, right on time. We're still pondering the precip.
10:30 AM: The rain-resistant cage is complete (with a cool electric sawhorse thingamabob)
10:31 AM: The sun comes out and it never rains for the rest of the day.
after 10:31 AM We worked on the elephant.

We got rid of the tire around the turning wheel, and instead, we now have four (4) [IV] footles around it. We talked about pulleys a lot, and how we could use them to make a steering device with pedals. But it's really hard to visualize pulleys. So we ended up doing Joel's idea, the handle around the turning wheel.

We drilled holes for the second joint of allthreads, and we (I) ground off most of the threads.

We cut a short piece of thin PVC lengthwise, so we could squeeze it smaller, and that way we could fit it inside the black trunk pipe. The PVC is to keep it from bending some.

At the very end, we welded on the chair, so that when Rosie asks tomorrow, "So what did y'all guys get done without me?," we can say, "Ta-daa! We made a chair!" The chair came from the Boys and Girls Club, so it's a good thing we went there that one time, you know.

We stopped by Anthony's house on the way back, and he has a miniature junkyard in the back. There's lots of cool stuff, including an old car that Anthony broke a Windw out today.eeee that means itstime for,sdaiklleaa


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